#version 130 out vec4 outpix; uniform vec3 campos; uniform vec3 lightpos; uniform vec4 lightattrib; uniform sampler2D tex; uniform sampler2D elev; //varing blends them it is transformed to world space varying vec4 fragpos; varying vec4 fragnormal; varying vec2 fragtexcoord; void main() { vec4 elevpix = texture(elev, fragtexcoord); //the format is diffuse reflect and percent vec3 difpos = vec3(fragpos.xyz) + ((elevpix.r - .5) * 2 * fragnormal.xyz); vec3 refpos = vec3(fragpos.xyz) + ((elevpix.g - .5) * 2 * fragnormal.xyz); vec3 lightnormal = normalize((lightpos - difpos)); float diffuse = dot(lightnormal, fragnormal.xyz); if (diffuse < 0.0) { diffuse = 0.0; } else { } vec3 camnormal = normalize(campos - refpos); lightnormal = normalize((refpos - lightpos)); // this time it is an incoming vector vec3 refnormal = lightnormal - (2 * dot(lightnormal, fragnormal.xyz) * fragnormal.xyz); float reflect = dot(camnormal, refnormal); if (reflect < 0.0) { reflect = 0.0; } else { } diffuse = pow(diffuse, 2.0); reflect = pow(reflect, 2.0); float dist = abs(length(difpos - lightpos)) / lightattrib.a; if (dist > 1.0) { dist = 1.0; } dist = 1 - pow(dist, 4.0); float lightr = (elevpix.b) * 0.5 * lightattrib.r * reflect + elevpix.a * 0.5 * dist * diffuse; float lightg = (elevpix.b) * 0.5 * lightattrib.g * reflect + elevpix.a * 0.5 * dist * diffuse; float lightb = (elevpix.b) * 0.5 * lightattrib.b * reflect + elevpix.a * 0.5 * dist * diffuse; vec4 texpix = texture(tex, fragtexcoord); //this should be the vertex in camera space without the w value //outpix = gl_FragCoord; outpix = vec4(lightr * texpix.r, lightg * texpix.g, lightb * texpix.b, texpix.a); //outpix = vec4(light * 1.0,light * 1.0,light * 1.0, 1.0); //outpix = vec4(fragpos.x ,fragpos.y ,fragpos.z, 0.5); //outpix = vec4(fragnormal.x, fragnormal.y, fragnormal.z, 0.5); }