#!/bin/bash #check for missing required arguments and prints help if the arguments are wrong #in addition searches for --help argument if [ "$1" == "" ] || [ $1 == "--help" ]; then echo "parakoimomenos: use guardian to send out a random alert based on\ the configuration in ~/.guardian/tasks" echo "Usage: parakoimomenos [device] [color]" exit fi #getting array of tasks, each taking up their own line in the user specified #config file at ~/.guardian/tasks # -t removes the delimiter readarray -t tasks < ~/.guardian/tasks #gets a list of alert templates installed on the location #the color flag allows for toggling between color and noncolor templates if [ "$2" == "color" ]; then readarray templates <<< $(ls /etc/guardian/templates | grep color) #take account of the fact that the device is now $2 else readarray templates <<< $(ls /etc/guardian/templates | grep -v color) fi #select random values within the indices of tasks and templates j=$(( $RANDOM / $(( 32767 / ${#templates[@]} )) )) i=$(( $RANDOM / $(( 32767 / ${#tasks[@]} )) )) #runs guardian guardian ${templates[$j]} "${tasks[$i]}" $1 #sleep for 10 seconds sleep 10 #raises the buddy-arm guardian raise $1 #run guardian with the randomly selected task and template