My name is Haoran S. Diao, I'm a self taught electronics and programming hobbyist. I have experience in: Electronics Software Drivers(kernel modules,microcontroller code) Electronics Hardware Design(Custom PCB design etc...) Programming(C, C++, Golang, Java, HTML/Javascript/CSS, Python, Lua, Bash scripts) Linux System Maintenance(I have written my own kernel module) Web Design(I have built and from scratch) Image Processing and Graphics(OpenCV and OpenGL) Basic Computer Security(best practices, CTF challenges) Robotics (Head programmer at the Urbana Mandelbots FTC team) I have been: Head Programmer at the Urbana Mandelbots Robotics Team Former Vice Present at a student run non-profit(Resigned) You can see examples of the types of projects I use on my personal site, (no https support sorry).