𘤝𘤞𘤀𘤛・𘤌𘤛𘤧𘤁・𘤚𘤜𘤛𘤧𘤁・𘤊𘤛 Software Package for the Iokalant Conlang includes: A m17n engine .mim file for a custom keyboard layout, compatible with ibus-m17n (io-iokalant.mim) A fontforge .sfd font file and a generate TrueType font for rendering of Iokalant Characters encoded in unicode.(IOKALANT_STANT_FATENC.ttf) Documentaion on the encoding used and description of the writing system itself Issues: Incompatible with any Tangut fonts installe. The TrueType font does not work with urxvt, but works on Suckless Terminal, Cool Retro Term and any other graphical application Currently the Font is marked as being in the private use characters block when it is in the Tangut characters block because fontforge lacks such a preset Dependencies: TrueType font support ibus ibus-m17n unicode as the system locale Instructions: $sudo make install $ibus reset $ibus-setup Add iokalant as an input method (under Ido) $st -f "xos4 Terminus,IOKALANT_STANT_FATENC:size=12" # to launch a compatible Terminal OR open doc/test.html with your preferred browser