AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-18为处理『汉典』简繁不同外国语标题改了所使的正则表达。HEADmasterHaoran S. Diao
2019-11-04变量名改成中文,加了注译。Haoran S. Diao
2019-11-04以附和汉典新元素属性名称规则补加了两个正则表达式复 ↵Haoran S. Diao
函数,老函数仍然存在。 此后附加组件不会以「Mozilla」签证的.xpi文件出传安装,直接用.zip文件安装。
2019-05-18New Version 0.7 No code changes, this simply to get around the certificateHaoran S. Diao
mess-up by Mozilla.
2019-02-11Fixed false positive for one of the zdic find and replacesHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11new version fixed case insensitivityHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11fixed makefile dependenciesHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11Added description of xpi filHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11added MakefileHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11added xpi file signed by mozillaHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11added unsigned zipHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11Added Application ID for firefoxHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11added readme fileHaoran S. Diao
2019-02-11initial commitHaoran S. Diao