0x800.git2048 but in hex and using hjkl Git5 years
Control-Systems-Club.gitShared Repository for Control Systems Club Git6 years
ROBOARM.gitReally old backup of the controller client for an Arduino based robot arm, uses ...Git6 years
UEPSP.gitRepository for the Urbana Electronics and Programming Summer Program Website Git6 years
bbrll.gitBash script for displaying braille images as well as a script for displaying bdf...Git
bim.gitJanky Backup IMEs Git
calwrapper.gitA wrapper on vdirsyncer and khal that asks for a password and then regularly run...Git5 years
cardway.gitConway's Game of Life in the Shape of a Glider Git6 years
cbrll.gitA C Library for drawing with Braille characters, inspired by the Python Drawille...Git6 years
connd.gitA simple set of shell scripts that allow processes to persist after the shell se...Git5 years
gfx.gitSDL helper library Git6 years
glgfx.gitOpenGl Graphics Library, requires the 'gfx' SDL graphics library Git6 years
guardian.gitProgram for forcing the user to leave the computer. Git6 years blog and it's generator script Git11 months
i3lock-img.gitFork of i3lock that allows for images to be used in place of the ugly circle Git6 years
ibus-table-fourcorners.gitibus-table based Four Corners input method ibus-table 四角輸入法 Git
iokalant-packages.gitSoftware packages for the Iokalant Writing System Git6 years
justinalert.gitWebapp that allows me to send push notifications to my roommate Git5 years
letters.gitSimple Golang Program to Generate Ascii Art Lettering In the vein of: Git6 years
mandelgen.gitVery old python script for generating the mandelbrot set by brute force. Git6 years
mitclock.gitScript that counts down until MIT admissions 2019 come out on March 14 6:28pm Git6 years
mkgit.gitTwo scripts for automatically making a remote repository and for setting the loc...Git16 months
multifinch.gitModification of the finch library that allows for multiple finches Git6 years
mystery-keyboard.gitOpenSCAD CAD files for Microswitch Katakana Keyboard I found in a scrap yard Git3 years
opencv.gitExperiments in OpenCV for recognizing colored whiffle balls Git6 years
randtest.gitPlaying around with python argument parser and random library for 3.11 Git
repl.gitsimple program for superimposing one utf8 plaintext file on another. Git6 years
sched.gitPersonal Schedular TUI app. On Haitus Git6 years
shimark.gitA system for defending against phishing URLs by adding a hash based image to the...Git6 years
ship.gitbattleship game written in C++ w/ SDl Git6 years
skey.gitLinux Kernel Module for the Keyboard of the Omnicom Git6 years
turtle.gitSimple C library that implements an Ncurses "turtle" for teaching C Git6 years
wsim.gitA cross between cellular automata and a 4X game with no player. Right now contai...Git6 years
去英.git一个去掉《汉典》和《新华字典》里的英文解说的火狐附加...Git5 years