diff options
authorknolax <>2017-07-17 14:24:58 -0400
committerknolax <>2017-07-17 14:24:58 -0400
commit8236f48674193872ee77f66f4d959abe959c1d38 (patch)
parent6fc239fdb0cfc9add7b683d83260dc19b9de3284 (diff)
added functional keypress image spec, loads slow if you use many high res images.
2 files changed, 78 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/i3lock.c b/i3lock.c
index 988c32e..17587b3 100644
--- a/i3lock.c
+++ b/i3lock.c
@@ -86,8 +86,12 @@ static uint8_t xkb_base_event;
static uint8_t xkb_base_error;
cairo_surface_t *img = NULL; // image buffer to background image
-cairo_surface_t *auth_images[5]; // array of image buffers to background image;
+cairo_surface_t *auth_images[5]; // array of image buffers to auth status images;
bool use_auth_images = false;
+cairo_surface_t * * keypress_images; // array of image buffers to keypress images;
+//this is a long because atoi is considered deprecated and we don'y want truncation errors
+long num_keypress_images = 0; // how many keypress images are there, 0 means not to use keypress images
bool tile = false;
bool ignore_empty_password = false;
bool skip_repeated_empty_password = false;
@@ -839,6 +843,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
{"image", required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"auth-image-dir", required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
{"keypress-image-dir", required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
+ {"num-keypress-images", required_argument, NULL, 'K'},
{"tiling", no_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"ignore-empty-password", no_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"inactivity-timeout", required_argument, NULL, 'I'},
@@ -850,7 +855,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if ((username = pw->pw_name) == NULL)
errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "pw->pw_name is NULL.\n");
- char *optstring = "hvnbdc:p:ui:a:k:teI:f";
+ char *optstring = "hvnbdc:p:ui:a:k:K:teI:f";
while ((o = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, &optind)) != -1) {
switch (o) {
case 'v':
@@ -892,6 +897,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
case 'k':
keypress_image_path = strdup(optarg);
+ case 'K':
+ num_keypress_images = strtol(optarg,NULL,10);
+ break;
case 't':
tile = true;
@@ -916,7 +924,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Syntax: i3lock [-v] [-n] [-b] [-d] [-c color] [-u] [-p win|default]"
- " [-i image.png] [-a auth-image-dir] [-k keypress-image-dir] [-t] [-e] [-I timeout] [-f]");
+ " [-i image.png] [-a auth-image-dir] [-k keypress-image-dir] [-c number of keypress images] [-t] [-e] [-I timeout] [-f]");
@@ -1039,7 +1047,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* Create a pixmap to render on, fill it with the background color */
auth_images[auth_image_counter] = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(auth_image_path_buffer);
- /* In case loading failed, we just pretend no -i was specified. */
+ /* In case loading failed, we just pretend no -a was specified. */
if (cairo_surface_status(auth_images[auth_image_counter]) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not load image \"%s\": %s\n",
auth_image_path_buffer, cairo_status_to_string(cairo_surface_status(auth_images[auth_image_counter])));
@@ -1050,6 +1058,30 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ //loads images to use for keypress indicators
+ //all images up to num_keypress_images -1 must exist otherwise num_keypress_images is set to 0 and this option is ignored
+ if (keypress_image_path) {
+ keypress_images = calloc(num_keypress_images, sizeof(cairo_surface_t *));
+ int keypress_image_counter = 0; // counter to loop through the states
+ char * keypress_image_path_buffer; // string to store the pathes of each image as it loads
+ while (keypress_image_counter < num_keypress_images) {
+ //allocates string of exactly 25chars larger tan keypress_image_path, since /$keypress_image_counter.png is can at most be 20 + 5 chars as max of uint64 is 20 digits with decimal radix;
+ keypress_image_path_buffer = calloc(strlen(keypress_image_path) + 25,sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(keypress_image_path_buffer,"%s%s%d%s",keypress_image_path,"/",keypress_image_counter,".png");
+ /* Create a pixmap to render on, fill it with the background color */
+ keypress_images[keypress_image_counter] = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(keypress_image_path_buffer);
+ /* In case loading failed, we just pretend no -k was specified. */
+ if (cairo_surface_status(keypress_images[keypress_image_counter]) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not load image \"%s\": %s\n",
+ keypress_image_path_buffer, cairo_status_to_string(cairo_surface_status(keypress_images[keypress_image_counter])));
+ num_keypress_images = 0;
+ free(keypress_images);
+ }
+ free(keypress_image_path_buffer);
+ keypress_image_counter++;
+ }
+ free(keypress_image_path);
+ }
/* Pixmap on which the image is rendered to (if any) */
xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = draw_image(last_resolution);
diff --git a/unlock_indicator.c b/unlock_indicator.c
index cf7a391..bf0c31d 100644
--- a/unlock_indicator.c
+++ b/unlock_indicator.c
@@ -52,9 +52,12 @@ extern char *modifier_string;
extern cairo_surface_t *img;
/* array of Cairo surfaces containing the authorization status images (-a), if any. */
extern cairo_surface_t * auth_images[5];
+/*Switch on whether to use said images*/
extern bool use_auth_images;
-/* Path of directory containing indicator keypress images (-k), if any. */
-extern char * keypress_image_path;
+/* array of Cairo surfaces containing the keypress images (-k), if any. */
+extern cairo_surface_t * * keypress_images;
+/*number of images, 0 if this option is turned off (-K)*/
+extern long num_keypress_images;
/*Whether the image should be tiled. */
extern bool tile;
/* The background color to use (in hex). */
@@ -83,7 +86,8 @@ static xcb_visualtype_t *vistype;
* indicator. */
unlock_state_t unlock_state;
auth_state_t auth_state;
+/*maintains which keypress image to use*/
+long keypress_image = 0;
* Returns the scaling factor of the current screen. E.g., on a 227 DPI MacBook
* Pro 13" Retina screen, the scaling factor is 227/96 = 2.36.
@@ -143,9 +147,26 @@ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) {
cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]);
+ //increment and decrement the keypress_image used
+ if((num_keypress_images > 0)&&(unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE)) {
+ keypress_image++;
+ if (keypress_image >= num_keypress_images) {
+ keypress_image = num_keypress_images - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if((num_keypress_images > 0)&&(unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE)) {
+ keypress_image--;
+ if (keypress_image < 0) {
+ keypress_image = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //if an attempt failed. reset keypress_image
+ if (auth_state == STATE_AUTH_WRONG) {
+ keypress_image = 0;
+ }
//if auth images are used just draw the corresponding image
- if (use_auth_images && unlock_indicator &&
- (unlock_state >= STATE_KEY_PRESSED || auth_state > STATE_AUTH_IDLE)) {
+ if (use_auth_images && unlock_indicator) {
if (!tile) {
cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, auth_images[auth_state], 0, 0);
@@ -160,6 +181,22 @@ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) {
+ //if keypress images are used just draw the corresponding image
+ if ((num_keypress_images > 0) &&(unlock_state >= STATE_KEY_PRESSED)) {
+ if (!tile) {
+ cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, keypress_images[keypress_image], 0, 0);
+ cairo_paint(xcb_ctx);
+ } else {
+ /* create a pattern and fill a rectangle as big as the screen */
+ cairo_pattern_t *pattern;
+ pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(keypress_images[keypress_image]);
+ cairo_set_source(xcb_ctx, pattern);
+ cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
+ cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]);
+ cairo_fill(xcb_ctx);
+ cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern);
+ }
+ }
//otherwise draw the circle indicator
if ((!use_auth_images) && unlock_indicator &&
(unlock_state >= STATE_KEY_PRESSED || auth_state > STATE_AUTH_IDLE)) {