path: root/case.scad
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'case.scad')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/case.scad b/case.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930dd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/case.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+include <board.scad>
+w_t = 2; // wall thickness
+tol = 1.01;
+tl = -(tol - 1)/2;
+//hole post for supporting PCB
+module hole_p() {
+ translate([0,0,tl * 1.8]) {
+ cylinder(d=2.7 * .8,h=0.5, $fn=25);
+ translate([0,0,-8]) cylinder(d=6, h=8);
+ }
+ * Functional Case bottom
+ */
+module body() {
+//Case body
+ //carve out hole for general shape of board
+ difference() {
+ translate([-w_t, -w_t, -8 -3])
+ cube([p_w + w_t*2, p_h + w_t *2, 8+1.8+3]);
+ //board itself
+ translate([tl * p_w, tl* p_h, tl * 1.8]) cube([p_w * tol, p_h * tol, 1.8 * tol]);
+ //solder stuff
+ s_w = p_w - 7.3*2;
+ s_h = p_h - 7.3 *2;
+ translate([tl * s_w +7.3, tl* s_h +7.3, tl * 3 - 2])
+ cube([s_w * tol, s_h * tol, 3 * tol]);
+ //mounting holes
+ translate([4.85,16.6,0]) scale([1,1,100])u_hole();
+ translate([4.85,54.8,0]) scale([1,1,100])u_hole();
+ translate([p_w-4.85-2.7,54.8,0]) scale([1,1,100])u_hole();
+ translate([p_w-4.85-2.7,93.8,0]) scale([1,1,100])u_hole();
+ //mounting hole heads
+ adj = +2.7/2;
+ b_h = 13.08 + 8 +3 - (20 - 2) +2;
+ translate([4.85 +adj,16.6 +adj,-8 -3 -1]) cylinder(d=6, h=b_h+1);
+ translate([4.85 +adj,54.8 +adj, -8 -3 -1]) cylinder(d=6, h=b_h+1);
+ translate([p_w-4.85-2.7 +adj,54.8 +adj,-8 -3 -1])cylinder(d=6, h=b_h+1);
+ translate([p_w-4.85-2.7 +adj,93.8 +adj, -8 -3 -1]) cylinder(d=6, h=b_h+1);
+ }
+ //divots and stuff
+ translate([p_w/2 - 12.9/2,0,]) scale([0.95, .95, 1])divot();
+ translate([p_w/2 - 12.9/2,p_h,]) rotate([180,0,0]) scale([0.95, .95, 1]) divot();
+ //mounting hole heads
+ translate([p_w-32.7,18.1,0]) hole_p();
+ translate([p_w-108.6,18.1,0]) hole_p();
+ translate([26.2,18.1,0]) hole_p();
+ translate([83.4,18.1,0]) hole_p();
+ translate([31.3,74.9,0]) hole_p();
+ translate([117.3,74.9,0]) hole_p();
+ translate([p_w-74.7,74.9,0]) hole_p();
+ translate([p_w-37.2, p_h-16.7,0]) hole_p();
+ translate([p_w-131.5, p_h-16.7,0]) hole_p();
+ * Case Bottom with all the decorative cuts
+ */
+module bottom() {
+difference() {
+ body();
+ //vevels
+ translate([0,0,-75])rotate([90,0,0])
+ cylinder(r=70, h=p_h*20, center=true, $fn=30);
+ translate([p_w,0,-75])rotate([90,0,0])
+ cylinder(r=70, h=p_h*20, center=true, $fn=30);
+ //bottom cut
+ translate([-w_t,p_h+w_t,-5-8-3]) rotate([-2,0,0])
+ translate([0,-600,0]) {
+ translate([p_w/2,600-p_h/2,0])linear_extrude(1+5+3-1)
+ rotate([0,180,180]){
+ translate([0,20,0])
+ text("マイクロスイッチ", halign="center",valign="center", size=10,
+ font="HanaMinA");
+ translate([0,-10,0])
+ text("「微鍵㍿」", halign="center",valign="center", size=30,
+ font="HanaMinA");
+ }
+ translate([50,0,5-1])cube([p_w+2*w_t-2*50,600,3]);
+ cube([p_w+2*w_t,600,5]);
+ }
+ * Case Top
+ */
+//spacebar width
+space_w = (18+0.9)*8-0.9;
+module top() {
+ //spacebar cover and cutout
+ difference() {
+ translate([15.55 + 2.5*(18 + 0.9) -3, -w_t, 9])
+ cube([space_w +3*2, 8+w_t, 19.32+w_t -9]);
+ //spacebar stabilizer cutout
+ space_w = (18+0.9)*8-0.9;
+ translate([15.55 + 2.5*(18 + 0.9) + tl * space_w, 0, 0])
+ cube([space_w* tol, 13.46, 17.91 * tol]);
+ }
+difference() {
+ translate([-w_t,-w_t,1.8])cube([p_w+w_t*2, p_h+w_t*2, 13.08+3-1.8]);
+ //interior chamfers
+ translate([0.01 * pl_w,0.01 * (pl_h),13.08-1])
+ linear_extrude(100) scale([.98,.98,0])
+ projection() plate();
+ translate([p_w*80/243,p_h/2, +1010])rotate([90,0,0])
+ cylinder(r=1000, h=0.98*(pl_h), center=true, $fn=100);
+ translate([p_w*163/243,p_h/2, +1010])rotate([90,0,0])
+ cylinder(r=1000, h=0.98*(pl_h), center=true, $fn=100);
+ translate([p_w/2,p_h/4 , +113])rotate([0,90,0])
+ cylinder(r=100, h=0.88*(pl_w), center=true, $fn=50);
+ translate([p_w/2,p_h*3/4 , +113])rotate([0,90,0])
+ cylinder(r=100, h=0.88*(pl_w), center=true, $fn=50);
+ //plate void
+ translate([-1,-1,1.8+3.92 -0.5])
+ cube([p_w+1*2, p_h+1*2, pl_d +0.5]);
+ //key void
+ translate([10,-1,1.8 -1])cube([p_w-10*2, p_h+1*2, 3.92 +1+0.5]);
+ //front & back bevels
+ difference() {
+ f_r = 2;
+ translate([-w_t -1, -w_t -1, 13.08+3-f_r])
+ cube([p_w+w_t*2 +2, f_r +1, f_r + 1]);
+ translate([p_w/2 + 1,f_r-w_t,13.08+3-f_r])rotate([0,90,0])
+ cylinder(r=f_r, h=(p_w + w_t*2 +2), center=true ,$fn=50);
+ }
+ difference() {
+ f_r = 4;
+ translate([-w_t -1, p_h + w_t -f_r, 13.08+3-f_r])
+ cube([p_w+w_t*2 +2, f_r +1, f_r + 1]);
+ translate([p_w/2 + 1,p_h +w_t - f_r ,13.08+3-f_r])rotate([0,90,0])
+ cylinder(r=f_r, h=(p_w + w_t*2 +2), center=true ,$fn=50);
+ }
+ //spacebar stabilizer cutout
+ translate([15.55 + 2.5*(18 + 0.9) + tl * space_w, 0, 0])
+ cube([space_w* tol, 13.46, 17.91 * tol]);
+ //green led cutout
+ translate([p_w-16.85-6.08 + 6.04 * tl -1,6.5 + 2.93 * tl -1,9])
+ cube([6.04 * tol +2*1,2.93 * tol + 2*1,20]);
+ //mounting holes
+ translate([4.85,16.6,-1]) scale([1,1,2])u_hole();
+ translate([4.85,54.8,-1]) scale([1,1,2])u_hole();
+ translate([p_w-4.85-2.7,54.8,-1]) scale([1,1,3])u_hole();
+ translate([p_w-4.85-2.7,93.8,-1]) scale([1,1,2])u_hole();
+ //mounting hole heads
+ adj = +2.7/2;
+ translate([4.85 +adj,16.6 +adj,3.92+1.8-2*tol])
+ cylinder(d=6, h=2*tol);
+ translate([4.85 +adj,54.8 +adj, 3.92+1.8-2*tol])
+ cylinder(d=6, h=2*tol);
+ translate([p_w-4.85-2.7 +adj,54.8 +adj,3.92+1.8-2*tol])
+ cylinder(d=6,h=2*tol);
+ translate([p_w-4.85-2.7 +adj,93.8 +adj, 3.92+1.8-2*tol])
+ cylinder(d=6, h=2*tol);
+ * Divide Top into Elft and Right sections
+ */
+module right() {
+ difference() {
+ top();
+ rotate([0,0,45])
+ translate([-1000 + p_w/2, -500, -500])
+ cube([1000,1000,1000 ]);
+ }
+module left() {
+ intersection() {
+ top();
+ rotate([0,0,45])
+ translate([-1000 + p_w/2, -500, -500])
+ cube([1000,1000,1000 ]);
+ }
+ * Fin.
+ */